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May 10, 2011

May 4, 2011 Official suitor of The Madrid Open – ellesse italia present its Capsule Range.

The elegant & contemporary Madrid Open, kicked off this Friday gone and runs to the 8th May. Held at the clay courts of the impressive Caja Magica, and playing host to top tennis performances and entertainment, the classic and triumphant ellesse brand is the perfect suitor to the event. For the semi finals and finals, stylish models dressed in the ellesse purposely designed capsule range will replace the ball girls and ball boys. This phenomenon is exclusive to the Madrid open, and emphasises on the event’s appreciation of sports glamour.  The range consists of classic tennis staples such as piquet polos and dresses, sweaters and windbreakers. The colour of choice is Navy, designed to contrast perfectly against the clay surface of the courts.  White contrast panels with red and orange piping give a pop of colour and a subtle nod to the brand’s logo. The collection is a recipe of classic, clean, and functional design that epitomises the distinctive ellesse brand, and will capture a memento of this year’s tournament.
For a limited time only, it’s exclusively available to buy, both at the ellesse booth at the tournament itself, and via The range provides spectators and tennis fans with the opportunity to buy into a story, leaving them with a classy & functional souvenir from the sporting occasion.
The event brings ellesse back onto the courts and actively re-establishes it’s long standing relationship with tennis. International tennis personality and tournament creator Ion Tiriac provides a link between the ellesse past and present. Tiriac coached Boris Becker during his early ellesse years, a famous face in some of the brand’s now iconic 80s shoots.The Madrid Open’s sartorial approach on a classic sport is a perfect match for ellesse who aim to evolve gracefully but always maintain its heritage. Success, performance, style and glamour all work harmoniously together in both the collection and the tournament.
It looks like it’s going to be a good year for tennis, and a sporting event to keep your eyes on.  A competition, held by elllesse, ending last week, has allowed two lucky winners a free trip and VIP press passes to the tournament. They in return will be blogging daily back to ellesse about their experiences at the open.

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If your blog not for share, you can use dissable ctrl+c. But mine is for sharing.... Dissable klik kanan hanya utk mengingatkan bahwa copas pun hrs beretika........

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